
IRALCO new production line 110kt/y

Consultancy/technical assistance + Supervision services, 2004

Client: IRANIAN aluminum Co. (IRALCO) & IMIDRO

Primary aluminum is the production of Arak new aluminum smelter. Primary Aluminum is extract from alumina (Al2O3) by molten salt electrolysis process. The main raw materials for this process are Alumina, fluorides and Cryolite that It is used as an electrolyte. The DC power required for the electrolysis is taken from the rectifier station. Under the DC power the Alumina will be reduced into primary Aluminum. The plant final capacity will be 110kton of aluminum ingot per year. produced from 210 pots in the pot rooms. While the plant started with 70 pots to produce 35000 tons of aluminum ingot as the 1th Loop of plant. The first phase of plant commissioning was finally achieved on 21/May/2007 as the 1th Loop started up and next one on 31/may/2007 as the first metal tapping. The main units of the plant consist of Power area, (230/132/6.6kv), Pot room, Fume scrubbing, control station and Anode rodding & Anode plant.